How to Start a Forest School – A Comprehensive Guide to Nurturing Children’s Love for Nature

As I embarked on my morning hike through the vibrant tapestry of the forest, I couldn’t help but reminisce about the days when I first discovered its enchanting embrace as a child. The towering trees, the symphony of rustling leaves, and the earthy scent awakened a sense of wonder and curiosity within me that shaped the very core of who I am today. It was in that moment that the idea sparked within me: creating a forest school, a sanctuary where children could connect with nature and cultivate a lifelong love for the great outdoors.

Forest schools: learning in the great outdoors – in pictures | Teacher ...

A forest school is an innovative approach to education that places children at the heart of their learning experience, immersing them in the wonders of nature. It is akin to a living classroom where trees become teachers, animals offer lessons in survival, and the elements shape the curriculum. By embracing the transformative power of nature, forest schools nurture children’s developmental, social, and emotional skills while fostering a deep respect for the environment.

Creating a Holistic Learning Environment

Establishing a forest school requires meticulous planning and a thorough understanding of the principles that guide this unique educational approach. First and foremost, it is essential to secure a suitable forest environment that provides ample space for exploration, adventure, and hands-on learning experiences. The forest should be easily accessible, safe for children, and rich in natural features such as trees, meadows, streams, and wildlife.

The heart of a forest school lies in its highly trained educators who possess not only a passion for teaching but an unwavering love for the outdoors. These educators serve as facilitators of learning, guiding children through their explorations, encouraging them to ask questions, discover their own curiosities, and develop a deep connection with nature.

Fostering Sensory Development and Physical Literacy

The great outdoors is a natural playground where children can freely explore and engage all their senses. Forest schools harness this opportunity to promote sensory development, exposing children to a diverse range of textures, sounds, smells, and tastes that stimulate their curiosity and enhance their perception of the world around them. By navigating uneven terrain, climbing trees, and engaging in imaginative play, children also develop essential physical literacy skills, including coordination, balance, and agility.

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence and Social Skills

Beyond its cognitive benefits, a forest school fosters emotional intelligence and social skills by providing opportunities for children to interact with nature and each other. The shared experiences, challenges, and triumphs that come with spending time in nature strengthen children’s ability to self-regulate, cooperate, and empathize with their peers. Through storytelling, role-playing, and creative expression, they develop their communication and problem-solving skills, laying a strong foundation for future success in life.

The forest school revolution: leaves, logs and life skills. Even ...

Promoting Environmental Stewardship and Conservation

A key pillar of forest school education is instilling in children a deep appreciation and understanding of the natural world. Through hands-on activities, such as planting trees, monitoring wildlife, and learning about sustainable practices, children develop a sense of connection with the environment and an understanding of the importance of conservation. Forest schools empower children to become active advocates for nature and responsible citizens who make informed decisions about environmental issues.

Tips for Establishing a Successful Forest School

1. Engage with Experts: Consult with experienced forest school educators, nature experts, and local organizations to gain valuable insights and best practices in establishing a forest school program.

2. Align with Local Education Standards: Ensure that your forest school curriculum aligns with local education standards to complement and enhance children’s formal learning experiences.

3. Promote Inclusive Learning: Create an inclusive environment that welcomes children of all backgrounds and abilities. Provide accommodations and modifications to ensure that every child feels valued and supported.


Q: What are the age ranges for children attending forest school?

A: Forest schools typically cater to a range of ages, commonly from preschoolers to early primary school.

Q: What are the benefits of a forest school education?

A: Forest schools promote physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and environmental benefits, including sensory development, physical literacy, emotional intelligence, social skills, and environmental stewardship.

How To Start A Forest School


Establishing a forest school is an investment in children’s future well-being. It is an opportunity to nurture their love for the outdoors, foster their creativity, and instill in them a deep respect for the natural world. By embracing the principles of forest school education, we empower children to develop into confident, resilient, and responsible individuals who value the beauty and importance of nature for generations to come.

Are you passionate about the outdoors and eager to make a positive impact on children’s lives? Consider starting a forest school and embarking on an adventure that will not only transform young lives but also enrich your own.

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